Frequently Asked Questions
Q: |
What is AEOI Portal? |
A: |
AEOI Portal is a system designated by the Commissioner of Inland Revenue (“the Commissioner”) under Part 8A of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112) (“the Ordinance”) for reporting financial institutions to file Financial Account Information Returns and submit various notifications to the Inland Revenue Department (“the Department”). |
Q: |
Who can perform the AEOI Account registration? |
A: |
A reporting financial institution can register online on its own. In addition, an authorized service provider or the person maintaining financial accounts (if the reporting financial institution is not a corporation) can register an AEOI Account on behalf of a reporting financial institution after the reporting financial institution has submitted to the Department a “Notification of Details of Person Authorized to Register/Operate an AEOI Account” (Form IR1459). In the latter case, the Department will send a confirmation letter to the financial institution concerned with a copy sent to the authorized service provider or the person maintaining financial accounts. |
Q: |
We are a reporting financial institution but have not yet commenced to maintain any reportable account (as none of our account holders are non-Hong Kong tax residents). Are we required to register an AEOI Account? |
A: |
No. Since you do not maintain any reportable account, you are not required to register an AEOI Account. Certainly, you may still actively register an AEOI account. Please note that you are required to register an AEOI Account and give a notice to the Commissioner via the AEOI Portal within 3 months if you commence to maintain a reportable account. |
Q: |
I am a service provider engaged under section 50H of the Ordinance by a reporting financial institution to fulfill the latter’s reporting obligations. Can I register an AEOI Account for the reporting financial institution? |
A: |
Yes. You can register an AEOI Account for the reporting financial institution provided that you have been duly authorized by that financial institution. In this case, before performing the online registration, you should request the financial institution to submit to the Department a “Notification of Details of Person Authorized to Register/Operate an AEOI Account” (Form IR1459). The Department will send a confirmation letter to the financial institution and copied you. |
Q: |
I am the person acting for a reporting financial institution, which is not a corporation, to maintain financial accounts. Can I register an AEOI Account for the reporting financial institution? |
A: |
Yes. You can register an AEOI Account for the financial institution. In this case, before performing the online registration, you should request the financial institution to submit to the Department a “Notification of Details of Person Authorized to Register/Operate an AEOI Account” (Form IR1459). The Department will send a confirmation letter to the financial institution and copied you. |
Q: |
I am the person acting for a reporting financial institution, which is not a corporation, to maintain financial accounts. Can I authorize a service provider to register an AEOI Account for the reporting financial institution? |
A: |
If the service provider is engaged by a financial institution to fulfill reporting obligations on the latter’s behalf under section 50H of the Ordinance, it can register an AEOI Account for that reporting financial institution provided that the requirements set out in FAQ 4 above have been met. |
Q: |
Who can sign the AEOI Portal Account Registration Form? |
A: |
The AEOI Portal Account Registration Form must be signed by the authorized person holding a Hongkong Post Certification Authority e-Cert (Organisational) with AEOI Functions of:
If you are the “authorized person”, you must sign the AEOI Portal Account Registration Form in any of the following capacities:
Q: |
What should I do if the reporting financial institution does not have a Business Registration Number (“BRN”)? |
A: |
To register an AEOI Account, the authorized person performing the registration is required to input, among others, the BRN of the reporting financial institution. In general, a reporting financial institution should have a BRN if it carries on business in Hong Kong. If the financial institution currently does not have a BRN but has the obligations to apply for a business registration, it should approach the Business Registration Office of the Department directly to complete business registration procedures before performing any online registration of the AEOI Account. If the reporting financial institution is not carrying on any business in Hong Kong but has maintained reportable accounts, it should complete an “Application for Business Registration Number Equivalent by Financial Institution” (Form IR 1458) to request for a Business Registration Number Equivalent, which will serve the function of the BRN for the purpose of registration with the AEOI Portal. The Department will issue a reference letter, where appropriate, to the reporting financial institution to facilitate its application for an e-Cert (Organisational) with AEOI Functions. Please refer to FAQ 13 below. |
Q: |
Can a reporting financial institution authorize a representative for AEOI purposes and what matters can the authorized representative handle? |
A: |
Yes. The reporting financial institution can authorize a maximum of two representatives and should notify the Department of such authorization when the reporting financial institution sets up or updates its profile of the AEOI Account. An authorized representative can send to the Department enquiries relating to the reporting of financial account information of the reporting financial institution through a designated channel. Please also refer to FAQ 11 below. |
Q: |
Each of the AEOI Portal Account Registration Form and the Application Form for Hongkong Post e-Cert (Organisational) / (Encipherment) / (Server) Certificate (CPos 798F) (“Application Form for e-Cert”) contain a Part “Authorized Representative”. What are their respective roles? |
A: |
The authorized representative as stated in the AEOI Portal Account Registration Form can communicate with the Department in relation to the financial account information of the reporting financial institution regarding tax matters. For details, please refer to FAQ 11 below. As regards the Application Form for e-Cert, the authorized representative stated therein is responsible for administering on behalf of the Subscriber Organisation the e-Cert application. For more details, please refer to the e-Cert Certification Practice Statement published at the website of the Hongkong Post Certification Authority. |
Q: |
A reporting financial institution has authorized me as its authorized representative when it set up its account profile. Can I access the financial institution’s AEOI Account and check the information therein? |
A: |
An authorized representative is not allowed to access the reporting financial institution’s AEOI Account. However, an authorized representative can send to the Department enquiries relating to the reporting of financial account information of the reporting financial institution through the “Contact Us (For Authorized Representative)” channel provided in the AEOI Portal. The authorized representative is required to authenticate such submission with its own digital certificate, i.e. e-Cert (Personal) or e-Cert (Organisational). |
Q: |
Can a reporting financial institution register for more than one account with the AEOI Portal? |
A: |
No. A reporting financial institution can register only one account with the AEOI Portal. Each Business Registration Number or Business Registration Number Equivalent can link up with one AEOI Account only. |
Q: |
How does the AEOI Portal verify the identity of the person registering an AEOI Account or conducting transactions therein? |
A: |
For access to the AEOI Portal, the reporting financial institution, service provider or person maintaining financial accounts is required to use an e-Cert (Organisational) with AEOI Functions for authentication. For more information about e-Cert (Organisational) with AEOI Functions, please click here to visit the website of the Hongkong Post Certification Authority. |
Q: |
I am a holder of an e-Cert (Personal). Can I use that digital certificate to register or operate an AEOI Account for the reporting financial institution? |
A: |
No. An e-Cert (Organisational) with AEOI Functions must be used. The e-Cert (Personal) cannot be used for registering or operating an AEOI Account for the reporting financial institution. Each authorized person (e.g. staff of the reporting financial institution) must hold the relevant organization’s e-Cert (Organisational) with AEOI Functions issued by the Hongkong Post Certification Authority. |
Q: |
My organization is an existing subscriber of an e-Cert (Organisational). Can that digital certificate be used to register or operate an AEOI Account for the financial institution? |
A: |
No. An e-Cert (Organisational) with AEOI Functions must be used. An e-Cert (Organisational) is not accepted by the AEOI Portal for authentication. Your organization may choose to add the new feature of AEOI functions when renewing the existing certificate. For further details of the procedures and documents required, please click here to visit the website of the Hongkong Post Certification Authority. |
Q: |
What is the AEOI ID Number? Can the reporting financial institution change the AEOI ID Number after registration? |
A: |
After successful registration, a unique AEOI ID Number will be issued as the identification number of the reporting financial institution for future access to the AEOI Portal. This identification number cannot be changed once issued. |
Q: |
What should I do if I forgot the AEOI ID Number of the reporting financial institution? |
A: |
You can request to retrieve the reporting financial institution’s AEOI ID Number by clicking the “Forgot AEOI ID Number” link provided in the AEOI Portal. Please input Business Registration Number or Business Registration Number Equivalent of the reporting financial institution and use your e-Cert (Organisational) with AEOI Functions for authentication. The reporting financial institution’s AEOI ID Number will be sent to the email addresses of the contact persons according to the Department’s records. |
Q: |
I am an authorized person acting on behalf of the Lead Operator. What should I do if I forgot the Lead Operator Reference Number? |
A: |
You can request to retrieve the Lead Operator Reference Number by clicking the “Forgot Lead Operator Reference Number” link provided in the AEOI Portal. Please input Business Registration Number of the Lead Operator and use your e-Cert (Organisational) with AEOI Functions for authentication. The Lead Operator Reference Number will be sent to the email address of the contact person of the Lead Operator according to the Department’s records. |
Q: |
What should I do if I forgot the password of my e-Cert (Organisational) with AEOI Functions? |
A: |
In case you forgot your password, you are recommended to revoke your e-Cert (Organisational) with AEOI Functions immediately and apply for a new one. For more details, please contact the Hongkong Post Certification Authority direct. |
Q: |
What format should data file be prepared for reporting the required financial account information of reportable accounts? |
A: |
Data file should be prepared in the Extensible Markup Language (XML) format, which is set out in the Financial Account Information Return XML Schema. For details, please refer to the Financial Account Information Return XML Schema and its User Guide. |
Q: |
Is there a "not to exceed limit" on the size of the transmitted data file? |
A: |
The maximum recommended file size is 200MB after being compressed, signed and encrypted with the tools provided by the Department. All the information can be sent in through as many transmissions as needed. |
Q: |
What are the procedures for uploading data files to the AEOI Portal? |
A: |
All data files containing the financial account information must be submitted via the AEOI Portal, which supports transfers through HTTPS. Specific operational procedures are documented in A Guide to Return Filing. |
Q: |
When I click the “Manage Data Files” tab and intend to upload a data file, there is an error message “There is no outstanding / filed Financial Account Information Return. [E-0545] ” displayed on the screen. Why does this situation happen? |
A: |
No data file for a particular year can be uploaded if no Financial Account Information Return has been issued to a financial institution for that year. For details, please refer to FAQ 32 below. |
Q: |
How can I check whether a data file conforms to the requirements of the Financial Account Information Return XML Schema? |
A: |
Data file should be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Financial Account Information Return XML Schema. The Encryption Tool provided by the Department would perform schema validation during the encryption process. Furthermore, if any self-developed software is used to prepare data files, prior consent has to be obtained from the Department by submitting test data file to the AEOI Portal for validation. |
Q: |
What if I have mistakenly submitted my production data files to the AEOI Portal via the “Submit Test Data File” function? |
A: |
Data files uploaded under the “Submit Test Data File” function will only be used for validation purposes and will not be attached to the Financial Account Information Return of the reporting financial institution. |
Q: |
How can I encrypt data files of the details of reportable accounts? |
A: |
An encryption tool has been provided in the AEOI Portal. With your e-Cert (Organisational) with AEOI Functions, you can use the encryption tool to encrypt the data files. |
Q: |
Is there any information required to be inputted when encrypting a data file with the Encryption Tool provided by the Department? |
A: |
You have to input the respective total number of reportable accounts and undocumented accounts contained in the data file when encrypting a data file with the Encryption Tool. Please refer to the examples in FAQs 29, 30 and 34 below for counting the number of reportable accounts and undocumented accounts. |
Q: |
Can I download the data files previously uploaded to the AEOI Portal? |
A: |
No. All data files uploaded to the AEOI Portal and the data records contained therein cannot be subsequently downloaded or retrieved via the AEOI Portal. You should keep a copy of the data files for future reference. |
Q: |
In respect of a reportable account jointly held by reportable persons A and B, 2 data records are prepared and contained in the same data file. What is the number of reportable accounts I should input while encrypting the data file? |
A: |
Though two data records are prepared for such reportable account, you should count the number of reportable accounts as “1” since there is only 1 reportable account. |
Q: |
Reporting financial institution maintained 2 accounts: 1 account held by a reportable person and 1 undocumented account. 2 data records are prepared and contained in the same data file. What is the number of reportable accounts I should input while encrypting the data file? |
A: |
For the purpose of filing Financial Account Information Return (BIR80) under section 50C of the Ordinance, reportable account includes an undocumented account. In the fields for total number of “reportable accounts” and “undocumented accounts included therein”, you should input “2” and “1” respectively. |
Q: |
In respect of a reportable account, if the account holder / controlling person is a reportable person and has more than one jurisdiction of residence, how should I report the jurisdiction(s) of residence of the account holder / controlling person? |
A: |
Section 50F(2) of the Ordinance provides that a furnished Financial Account Information Return must include the required information in relation to each reportable account, inter alia, jurisdiction of residence of the account holder and controlling person that is a reportable person. Where an account holder is a reportable person identified as having more than one jurisdiction of residence, the financial institution is required to report all identified jurisdictions of residence to the Department. Where an account holder is a passive NFE with at least one controlling person that is a reportable person, the financial institution is required to report all identified jurisdictions of residence of the passive NFE and each controlling person that is a reportable person.
Q: |
In respect of a reportable account, if the account holder / controlling person is a resident of both the United Kingdom and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, how should I prepare data record and report the jurisdiction(s) of residence of the account holder / controlling person? |
A: |
Please read FAQ 31 as well. As the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is not a reportable jurisdiction of its own, you are only required to prepare 1 data record for the above reportable account and report the United Kingdom and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as jurisdictions of residence of the account holder / controlling person. Presentation of the jurisdictions of residence in the data record should be as follows: ‹crs:ResCountryCode›GB‹/crs:ResCountryCode› |
Q: |
In respect of a reportable account, if an account holder / controlling person is a resident of both the United Kingdom and Japan, how should I prepare data record and report the jurisdiction(s) of residence of the account holder / controlling person? |
A: |
Please read FAQ 31 as well. As the information periods are the same for the information required to be reported with respect to tax residents of the United Kingdom and Japan, you are only required to prepare 1 data record for the above reportable account and report the United Kingdom and Japan as jurisdictions of residence of the account holder / controlling person. Presentation of the jurisdictions of residence in the data record should be as follows: ‹crs:ResCountryCode›GB‹/crs:ResCountryCode› |
Q: |
In respect of a reportable account held by a resident of both the United Kingdom and Malaysia, how should I prepare data records reporting the required information? What is the number of reportable accounts I should input while encrypting the data file? |
A: |
For the first round of reporting in 2018, reporting financial institutions are required to furnish, for the reportable jurisdictions other than Japan, the United Kingdom and Korea, information from 1 July 2017, whereas for Japan and the United Kingdom, information from 1 January 2017. As regards Korea, financial institutions are not required to report the information related to tax residents of Korea for 2017. As the information periods are different for the information required to be reported with respect to tax residents of the United Kingdom and Malaysia, the information must be reported separately according to the respective information periods. Therefore, 2 data records are required to be prepared for the mentioned reportable account but can be included in the same data file. Though two data records are prepared for such reportable account, you should count the number of reportable accounts as “1” since there is only 1 reportable account. |
Q: |
A reportable account is held by a resident of both the United Kingdom and Malaysia. Payments to the account were made during the period from 1 July 2017 to 31 December 2017 only. For the first round of reporting in 2018, how should I prepare data record reporting the required information? |
A: |
Please read FAQs 31 and 34 as well. In this case, although the information periods are different for the information required in respect of the United Kingdom and Malaysia, in view that the information required to be reported with respect to the United Kingdom and Malaysia is identical (due to no payment was made to the account during the period from 1 January 2017 to 30 June 2017), only 1 data record is required to be prepared for the above reportable account. |
Q: |
A reportable account is held by a resident of both the United Kingdom and Malaysia. Payments were made to the account during the periods from 1 January 2017 to 30 June 2017 and from 1 July 2017 to 31 December 2017. For the first round of reporting in 2018, how should I prepare data records reporting the required information? |
A: |
Please read FAQs 31 and 34 as well. In this case, as the information required to be reported with respect to the United Kingdom and Malaysia is different, 2 data records are required to be prepared for the above reportable account. Among others, the total gross amount of payments made to the account during the period from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017 must be reported in the data record prepared for the United Kingdom whereas only the total gross amount of payments made during the period from 1 July 2017 to 31 December 2017 is required to be reported in the data record prepared for Malaysia. |
Q: |
A reportable account held by a resident of the Mainland of China was closed between 1 January 2017 and 30 June 2017. For the first round of reporting in 2018, should I prepare data record for this account? |
A: |
For the first round of reporting in 2018, reporting financial institutions are required to furnish, for the reportable jurisdictions other than Japan, the United Kingdom and Korea, information from 1 July 2017. As the above account was held by a tax resident of the Mainland of China (i.e. a reportable jurisdiction other than Japan, the United Kingdom and Korea) and closed prior to 1 July 2017, you are not required to prepare data record for this account. |
Q: |
A reportable account held by a resident of both the United Kingdom and Malaysia was closed between 1 January 2017 and 30 June 2017. For the first round of reporting in 2018, how should I prepare data record reporting the required information? |
A: |
For the first round of reporting in 2018, reporting financial institutions are required to furnish, for the reportable jurisdictions other than Japan, the United Kingdom and Korea, information from 1 July 2017, whereas for Japan and the United Kingdom, information from 1 January 2017. As the mentioned reportable account was closed prior to 1 July 2017, you are required to prepare 1 data record only, i.e. data record prepared for data exchange with the United Kingdom. However, the jurisdiction of residence of the reportable person should include the United Kingdom and Malaysia. |
Q: |
When will the Department issue Financial Account Information Returns and what is the deadline for filing the returns? |
A: |
The Department will issue electronic notices in January each year starting from 2018 via the AEOI Portal to financial institutions requiring them to file Financial Account Information Returns. Completed Returns have to be submitted via the AEOI Portal within 5 months from the date of notice. |
Q: |
Who can sign the Financial Account Information Return? |
A: |
Financial Account Information Return must be signed by the authorized person holding a Hongkong Post Certification Authority e-Cert (Organisational) with AEOI Functions of:
If you are the “authorized person”, you must sign the return in any of the following capacities:
Q: |
Can I withdraw a submitted return through the AEOI Portal? |
A: |
No. If you subsequently discern that there are mistakes made in the reported financial account information, you should submit a new data file to rectify the situation. For details, please refer to the Financial Account Information Return XML Schema and its User Guide. |
For accessing the AEOI Portal, you need to use web browsers with internet connection. Current versions of major browsers, namely Firefox, Edge, Chrome and Safari are acceptable. The browser settings must be set in the following manner:
(1) JavaScript enabled;
(2) Session cookies enabled;
(3) Web browser encryption enabled (at least TLS v1.2).
The financial account information should be stored in data files, which have to be encrypted with an Encryption Tool provided by the Department, before uploading to the AEOI Portal.
The Encryption Tool can be run on Windows 7 or above and macOS. The workstation should be:
(1) With 4GB free memory;
(2) With Java Standard Edition (Java SE) 17 installed.
(3) If the Encryption Tool is used on an Intel-based Mac, Java SE 17 with JavaFX must be installed. For details, please refer to Question 45.
The Encryption Tool can work with
Oracle Java SE 17 or other compatible OpenJDK 17 platforms. If your computer does not have any existing Java SE 17 installed, it is suggested that you can download and install Azul Zulu OpenJDK 17 from the Zulu Community download page* by using one of the following browsers:
- Microsoft Edge
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Safari
You can refer to the Zulu Installation Guide for instructions on installing the Zulu JDK.
*If the Encryption Tool will be installed on Windows 32-bit platform, please refer to Question 44.
If you need to install Java SE 17 on Windows 32-bit platform, you can download and install Azul Zulu OpenJDK 17 from the Zulu Community download page. Please follow the below steps to install it:
a) Download the installation package for Windows 32-bit in ZIP file format from the Zulu Community (Windows 32-bit) download page;
b) Move the zip file to the same folder as the Encryption Tool;
c) Unzip the file to the same folder;
d) Rename the unzipped folder to "EncryptionToolJre".
For new Encryption Tool users, you can download the installer in DMG file format and install the Java SE 17 with JavaFX from the Zulu Community (macOS JavaFX) download page.
For existing Encryption Tool users with Azul Zulu OpenJDK 17 installed, please follow the below steps:
a) Follow the guide on the Zulu Community to uninstall Azul Zulu OpenJDK 17;
b) Download the installer in DMG file format and install Java SE 17 with JavaFX from the Zulu Community (macOS JavaFX) download page.
The schema files can be viewed with a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome, and a text editor such as Microsoft Notepad, or an XML tool such as XML Spy or XML Notepad.
I have prepared an XML data file by using self-developed software. When I encrypt the data file with the Encryption Tool provided by the Department, it returns error messages "Unrecognized file format" and "Schema validation failed". Can you advise what are the possible errors in the data file?
If you are using self-developed software to prepare the XML data file, you are advised to validate the data file against the Financial Account Information Return XML Schema using XML tools before passing them to the Encryption Tool. It ensures that the data file conforms to the data specifications issued by the Department.
Below are some technical tips in preparing the XML data file:
1. Must Include the XML Prolog
2. Must Declare the two namespaces with prefixes "crs" and "cfc" in the root element
3. Must Use namespace prefix "cfc" for all the child elements of the "crs:Address" element
4. For all "Optional" or "Optional (Mandatory)" fields, if no value is provided, the element or attribute should be removed.
As from 1 January 2021, data files must be prepared by using the Financial Account Information Return XML Schema (version 2.0), please follow FAQ #48 to update the existing xml data file so that it satisfies the data specification of version 2.0.
I have prepared an XML data file in accordance with Financial Account Information Return XML Schema (version 1.0). According to the web page of Inland Revenue Department, data files must be prepared using the Financial Account Information Return XML Schema (version 2.0) as from 1 January 2021. Can you advise how to update the existing xml data file to the one which satisfies the data specification of Financial Account Information Return XML Schema (version 2.0)?
If you have followed technical tips in preparing the XML data file in FAQ #47, you can simply update those codes highlighted below.
Financial Account Information Return XML Schema (version 1.0)
Financial Account Information Return XML Schema (version 2.0)
I have prepared an XML data file by using self-developed software. When I submit the data file through the function “Upload Data Files”, it returns error message “Upload of data file is not accepted. For data files prepared by self-developed software, prior consent has to be obtained from the Department by submitting test data file for validation. [E-0539]”. What is the possible error in the data file?
FI can develop their own computer program for preparing data files for Return submission purposes. Before implementing their own program, FI should obtain prior consent from the Department by submitting a test data file for validation. FI should submit the test data file into the AEOI Portal through the function “Submission of Test Data File” on the Landing Page to verify whether the data file produced by its program conforms to the specifications in the Return XML Schema.
Upon receipt of the message in the Message Box of the FI’s AEOI Account informing that the test data file conforms to the data specifications issued by the Department, FI can use the self-developed software to prepare data files and upload the data files to the AEOI Portal.
I have prepared an XML data file by using self-developed software. When I submit the test data file through the function “Submit Test Data File”, it returns error message “Invalid DocTypeIndic. Data file must only contain test data. [E-607]”. What is the possible error in the data file?
For submission of test data file containing new information, the value of the MessageTypeIndic element should be CRS701 (i.e. the message contains new information) and the value of the DocTypeIndic element should be OECD11 (i.e. New Test Data).
For submission of test data file containing correction of data, the value of the MessageTypeIndic element should be CRS702 (i.e. the message contains corrections for previously sent information) and the value of the DocTypeIndic element should be OECD12 (i.e. Corrected Test Data) and/or OECD13 (i.e. Deletion of Test Data).
Please note that a test data file can contain either new records (OECD11) or corrections (OECD12 / OECD13), but should not contain a mixture of both.
I have prepared an XML data file by using self-developed software. When I upload the data file through the function “Upload Data Files”, it returns error message “Invalid DocTypeIndic. Data file must only contain production data but not test data. [E-608]”. What is the possible error in the data file?
For submission of data file containing new information into AEOI Portal through the function “Upload Data Files”, the value of the MessageTypeIndic element should be CRS701 (i.e. the message contains new information) and the value of the DocTypeIndic element should be OECD1 (i.e. New Data).