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Disclosure Log

The disclosure log provides summary descriptions of the nature of information requested and released under the Code on Access to Information (“the Code”) by this Department.  The disclosure log will be updated on a quarterly basis.

If any member of the public wishes to obtain any information listed in the disclosure log, an information request should be made to our Access to Information Officer.  Such requests will be handled in accordance with the Code.

January to March 2017

Entry number Information requested and released
2017-1 Establishment and strength of Assessor grade officers (position as at 28 February 2017)
2017-2 Statistics of residential property transactions which are subject to ad valorem stamp duty at Scale 1 rates

April to June 2017   

Entry number Information requested and released
2017-3 Statistics of stamp duty collection from immovable property transactions
2017-4 Statistics of ad valorem stamp duty collection in respect of residential property transactions and applications for partial refund of ad valorem stamp duty for December 2016 to April 2017


July to September 2017   

Entry number Information requested and released
2017-5 Statistics of the number of stamped lease agreements of immovable property for January 2010 to June 2017
2017-6 Statistics of ad valorem stamp duty collection in respect of residential property transactions and applications for partial refund of ad valorem stamp duty for May 2017 to August 2017


October to December 2017  

There were no new entries in this quarter.

Note: The disclosure log does not cover requests from individual persons/companies for information about themselves and their complaint cases, or requests for information already published or available through an existing charged service.