Tax Information
Tax Information - Individuals/Businesses
- 2025-26 Budget - Tax Measures
- Individuals
- Businesses
- Property Owners
- Employers
- 2023 Policy Address – Tax-related Policy Measures (on Individuals)
- Tax Deduction for Assisted Reproductive Service Expenses
- Increasing ceiling amount for home loan interest and domestic rent
- Global minimum tax and Hong Kong minimum top-up tax for multinational enterprise groups
- Tax Deductions for Leased Premises Reinstatement and Allowances for Buildings and Structures
- Tax Concessions for Intellectual Property Income – Patent Box Regime
- Onshore Gain on Disposal of Equity Interests – Tax Certainty Enhancement Scheme
- Foreign-sourced Income Exemption
- Tax Concessions for Family-owned Investment Holding Vehicles
- Tax Deduction for Domestic Rent
- Tax Representatives' Corner
- e-Seminars
- Double Taxation Relief and Exchange of Information Arrangements
- Notification of Chargeability
Tax Information - Others
- Business Registration
- Stamp Duty
- Estate Duty
- Betting Duty
- Hotel Accommodation Tax
- CEPA - Requisition for copies of tax documents
- Charitable Donations and Tax-Exempt Charities
- Payment & Refund
- Tax Reserve Certificates
- Judgment Interest Rate
- Status of Tax Cases
- General Inspection