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Refund Mechanism
(residential property acquired between 19 October 2022 and 24 October 2023)



Under what circumstances will an eligible incoming talent be entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty?


An eligible incoming talent may apply for refund if the following conditions are fulfilled –

  1. he/she as an eligible incoming talent has acquired a residential property in Hong Kong during the period from 19 October 2022 to 24 October 2023;
  2. at the time of acquisition of the property concerned, he/she must hold a valid visa under the designated talents admission schemes and does not own any other residential property in Hong Kong (unless he/she acquires the property concerned to replace his/her only residential property in Hong Kong, i.e. to buy a new one and then sell the original one, within 12 months from the date of assignment of the property concerned);
  3. he/she has paid Buyer’s Stamp Duty (BSD) and ad valorem stamp duty (AVD) at Part 1 of Scale 1 rate on an instrument executed for the acquisition of the property concerned (the Applicable Instrument);
  4. he/she has become a Hong Kong permanent resident (HKPR);
  5. at the time of application for refund of stamp duty:
    1. he/she remains a HKPR;
    2. he/she is still the beneficial owner of the property concerned;
    3. he/she was not a vendor under an agreement for sale of any other residential property in Hong Kong that was made before the date of his/her acquisition of the property concerned; and that is unperformed, or otherwise remains outstanding;
    4. if applicable, no person other than him/her, other co-buyer(s) covered by specified talents admission scheme(s) and his/her/their close relative(s) is a beneficial owner of the property concerned; and
  6. he/she can only apply for refund in respect of one residential property within the specified time limit (see Q&A 20)

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What are the specified talents admission schemes?


The specified talents admission schemes are the General Employment Policy (GEP), Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals (ASMTP), Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS), Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG), Technology Talent Admission Scheme (TechTAS), Admission Scheme for the Second Generation of Chinese Hong Kong Permanent Residents (ASSG) and Top Talent Pass Scheme (TTPS).

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What evidence is required to prove the status as an eligible incoming talent?


An eligible incoming talent is a non-HKPR admitted to Hong Kong through the designated talents admission schemes. Documentary proof for the status includes label/notification slip for (i) entry visa/permit; or (ii) conditions of stay issued upon extension of stay (where applicable) covering the date of acquisition of the property concerned.

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What evidence is required to prove the status as a HKPR?


A valid Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card as defined under the Registration of Persons Ordinance (Cap. 177).

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Who are the co-buyers of a residential property in an application for refund of stamp duty?


The eligible incoming talent and other person(s) who jointly acquired the property concerned with him/her under the Applicable Instrument on which BSD and AVD at Part 1 of Scale 1 rate had been paid.

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Mr. X is an eligible incoming talent and does not own any residential property in Hong Kong. He entered into a Provisional Agreement for Sale and Purchase (PASP) on 18 October 2022 to acquire a residential property. He will sign an Agreement for Sale and Purchase (ASP) with the same terms of the PASP on 31 October 2022 and pay BSD and AVD at Part 1 of Scale 1 rate. Will he be entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty after becoming a HKPR?


Where there are more than one agreement for sale made between the same parties and on the same terms in respect of the property (e.g. a PASP and an ASP), it is the date of the first of those agreements (i.e. PASP) that is taken as the date of acquisition of the property. In this case, Mr. X has acquired the residential property before 19 October 2022. He is therefore not entitled to apply for refund of the stamp duty after becoming a HKPR.

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Mr. X, a non-HKPR, owns a residential property in Hong Kong before 19 October 2022 (the first property) but he did not stay in Hong Kong before that date. Assuming that he becomes an eligible incoming talent with effect from 1 November 2022 and stays in Hong Kong since then. He acquires another residential property on 15 November 2022 (the second property) and pays BSD and AVD at Part 1 of Scale 1 rate. Will he be entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty in respect of the second property after becoming a HKPR?


No. Mr. X will not be entitled to apply for refund since he owns a residential property (the first property) when he acquires the second property.

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Mr. X is an eligible incoming talent and does not own any residential property in Hong Kong. Assuming that he acquires a residential property on 1 November 2022 and becomes a HKPR on 1 November 2024, but he has sold the property before he becomes a HKPR. Will he be entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty in respect of the property after becoming a HKPR?


No. Because Mr. X does not hold the property at the time of application for refund of stamp duty.

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Similar to Question 8, but Mr. X has transferred 50% of his ownership of the property to an eligible incoming talent before he becomes a HKPR. Will he be entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty in respect of the property after becoming a HKPR?


Mr. X is not entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty unless the ownership of the property has only been partially transferred to his close relative(s). Close relatives are parent, spouse, child, brother or sister. If there are more than two persons, they are closely related if each of the persons is a parent, spouse, child, brother or sister of each of the other persons.

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Mr. X is an eligible incoming talent and does not own any residential property in Hong Kong. Assuming that he acquires a residential property on 1 November 2022 (Property A) at a purchase price of $10M. He purchases another residential property on 1 May 2023 (Property B) at a purchase price of $20M. He becomes a HKPR on 1 November 2024 and still owns Property A and Property B. Will he be entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty in respect of Property B?


No. Mr. X is only entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty in respect of his first property (i.e. Property A). Mr. X owns another residential property (Property A) when he purchases Property B.

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Similar to Question 10, but Mr. X sells Property A on 31 October 2024 and Property B is assigned to him on 15 July 2023. Will he be entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty in respect of Property B after becoming a HKPR?


No. Since Property A is not disposed of within 12 months from the date of assignment of Property B, Mr. X is not entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty in respect of Property B. Since Property A has been sold before he becomes a HKPR, he cannot claim refund in respect of Property A either.

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Mr. X, an eligible incoming talent, who does not own any other residential property in Hong Kong, executes one agreement for sale to acquire two residential properties in one single transaction on or after 19 October 2022. Which property will Mr. X be entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty after he has become a HKPR?


Mr. X is not entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty. This is in line with the treatment under the existing legislation where HKPRs have to pay AVD at Part 1 of Scale 1 rate under a similar situation.

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Mr. X and Ms. Y do not own any residential property in Hong Kong. While Mr. X is an eligible incoming talent, Ms. Y is a HKPR. They jointly acquire a residential property on 1 November 2022. Will they be entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty?


Given that Ms. Y is not an eligible incoming talent, Mr. X and Ms. Y are not entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty even after Mr. X has become a HKPR. This is in line with the treatment under the existing legislation where a residential property is jointly acquired by a HKPR and a non-HKPR, the owners have to pay BSD and AVD at Part 1 of Scale 1 rate.

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Similar to Question 13, but both Mr. X and Ms. Y are eligible incoming talents. Will they be entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty?


They will be entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty after both of them have fulfilled all the conditions listed in the answer to Question 1 above.

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Similar to Question 13, but Mr. X and Ms. Y are husband and wife. Will they be entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty?


Under the existing legislation, where a HKPR acquires a residential property jointly with his/her non-HKPR close relative(s), they are not required to pay BSD. If at the time of acquisition of the residential property, they do not own any other residential property in Hong Kong, they need to pay AVD at Scale 2 rates only. Close relatives are parent, spouse, child, brother or sister. If there are more than two persons, they are closely related if each of the persons is a parent, spouse, child, brother or sister of each of the other persons. In the present case, Mr. X and Ms. Y are close relatives and thus they are not required to pay BSD and AVD at Part 1 of Scale 1 rate in the first place when they acquired the property concerned.

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Similar to Question 13, but Ms. Y is a non-HKPR while Mr. X and Ms. Y are husband and wife. Will they be entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty?


An eligible incoming talent who has acquired a residential property in Hong Kong jointly with his/her non-HKPR close relative(s), no matter whether the close relative is an eligible incoming talent, is entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty provided that both (all) of the owners have fulfilled other conditions listed in the answer to Question 1 above (e.g. they do not own any other residential property in Hong Kong at the time of acquisition of the property concerned and they have become HKPRs).

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Both Mr. X and Ms. Y are eligible incoming talents and each owns a residential property in Hong Kong (Property A and Property B respectively). They jointly acquired another residential property (Property C) on 1 November 2022 and Property C was assigned to them on 1 February 2023. Mr. X disposes of Property A on 15 July 2023 and Ms. Y disposes of Property B on 31 October 2023. Both of them become HKPRs on 1 November 2024 and remain beneficial owners of Property C. Will they be entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty in respect of Property C?


No. It is because they own more than one residential property when they jointly acquired Property C. They are not entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty in respect of Property C, even they have disposed of their respective properties within the specified period. This is in line with the treatment under the existing legislation where HKPR(s) is/are only entitled to acquire a new residential property to replace his/her/their only residential property in Hong Kong and apply for refund.

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Similar to Question 17, but instead of disposing of Property B, Ms. Y transfers her share of ownership in Property C to Mr. X on 31 October 2023. Will Mr. X be entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty in respect of Property C after becoming a HKPR?


No. Mr. X is not entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty in respect of Property C even Ms. Y is no longer the beneficial owner of Property C when Mr. X becomes a HKPR. It is because they own more than one residential property when they jointly acquired Property C.

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Mr. X is an eligible incoming talent and owns a residential property (Property A) in Hong Kong. He acquired another residential property (Property B) in Hong Kong on 1 November 2022. Before that date, he entered into an ASP to dispose of Property A. Subsequently, Mr. X cancels the ASP of Property A. Will he be entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty in respect of Property B after he has become a HKPR?


No. Mr. X is not entitled to apply for refund of stamp duty in respect of Property B. It is because he is a vendor under an agreement for sale of any other residential property in Hong Kong that was made before the date of his acquisition of Property B; and that is unperformed, or otherwise remains outstanding.

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When can HKPRs (formerly eligible incoming talents) make application to the Inland Revenue Department for tax refund?


  1. There is a general time limit for claiming tax refund, which is not later than 6 months after the date of gazettal of the Stamp Duty (Amendment) (No. 3) Ordinance 2023 (i.e. on or before 30 December 2023) or not later than 6 months after the date on which the sole buyer under the Applicable Instrument executed for acquisition of the property concerned with BSD and AVD at Part 1 of Scale 1 rate paid (if the property concerned is jointly acquired by non-HKPR co-buyers under the Applicable Instrument, the person who, among the co-buyers who remain beneficial owners of the property concerned on the date of application, last became a HKPR) became a HKPR, whichever is the later.
  2. In case of an eligible incoming talent acquires the property concerned to replace his/her only residential property (the Original Property), besides the time limit in (i) above, the time limit is further extended to not later than 2 years after the date of the Applicable Instrument executed for acquisition of the property concerned with BSD and AVD at Part 1 of Scale 1 rate paid or not later than 2 months after the date of the assignment for the disposal of the Original Property, whichever is the latest.

The applicant should submit the completed application form (IRSD125D) with the supporting documents specified in the Annex of the form within the aforesaid application timeframe.

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Both Mr. X and Mr. Y are eligible incoming talents and they do not own any residential property in Hong Kong. They jointly acquired a residential property on 1 November 2022. Mr. X transferred his share of ownership in the property to Mr. Y on 15 June 2023 and Mr. Y subsequently transferred 50% of his ownership in the property to his wife, Mrs Y. Mr. Y and Mrs. Y become HKPRs on 1 September 2024 and 30 June 2025 respectively. What is the deadline for the application for refund of stamp duty in respect of the property concerned?


Since Mr. X is not a beneficial owner of the property concerned on the date of application for the refund and Mrs. Y is not a co-buyer under the Applicable Instrument, the application should be made within 6 months after the date on which Mr. Y became a HKPR, i.e. on or before 1 March 2025.

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Suspension Mechanism
(residential property acquired between 25 October 2023 and 27 February 2024)



Under what circumstances will a non-HKPR be entitled to upfront stamp duty relief?


A non-HKPR may be entitled to upfront stamp duty relief if the following conditions are fulfilled -

  1. he/she as a non-HKPR, is covered by a specified talent admission scheme (Specified Scheme, see Q&A 2) (i.e. an eligible incoming talent);
  2. he/she as an eligible incoming talent, is acting on his/her own behalf to acquire a residential property in Hong Kong between 25 October 2023 and 27 February 2024;
  3. at the time of acquisition of the property concerned, he/she must hold a valid visa under the Specified Schemes and does not own any other residential property in Hong Kong;
  4. he/she was not a vendor under an agreement for sale of any other residential property in Hong Kong that was made before the date of his/her acquisition of the property concerned; and that is unperformed, or otherwise remains outstanding;
  5. he/she shall furnish the completed application form IRSD125E and supporting documents requested to apply for suspension of liability to stamp duty in respect of the Specified Amount (see Q&A 23) in relation to the instrument executed for the acquisition of the property concerned (Applicable Instrument) while submitting the Applicable Instrument to IRD for stamping; and
  6. he/she has to pay AVD on the Applicable Instrument at Scale 2 rates and specified application fee (equivalent to the registration fee charged by the Land Registry for registering the related certificate of charge on the property concerned issued by IRD).

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What is the meaning of Specified Amount?


Specified Amount in relation to an Applicable Instrument means the sum of

  1. an amount equal to the difference between AVD payable according to Part 1 of Scale 1 and AVD paid according to Scale 2 on the instrument;
  2. the amount of BSD payable on the instrument.

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How can an eligible incoming talent know the result of his/her application for upfront stamp duty relief?


If his/her application is acceptable, the Applicable Instrument will be stamped with a stamp denoting that the instrument’s liability to stamp duty in respect of the Specified Amount has been suspended. IRD will also register a certificate of charge at the Land Registry on the property concerned for securing the recovery of the Specified Amount.

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Can an eligible incoming talent apply for upfront stamp duty relief in respect of a residential property acquired jointly with other co-buyers?


An eligible incoming talent can apply for upfront stamp duty relief in respect of a residential property acquired jointly with other eligible incoming talent(s), HKPR(s) or close relative(s). If there are more than two persons to acquire the property concerned, they shall be eligible incoming talents or at least one of them shall be an eligible incoming talent and the other persons are HKPRs or closely related to each of the co-buyers. Close relatives are parent, spouse, child, brother or sister.

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What should an eligible incoming talent do under the suspension mechanism when he/she becomes a HKPR?


The eligible incoming talent shall, upon becoming HKPR, furnish the completed application form IRSD125E and supporting documents requested to apply for waiver of the liability to stamp duty in respect of the Specified Amount in relation to the Applicable Instrument.  On the condition that he/she still remains the beneficial owner (or only person(s) closely related to him/her (and each other) has/have become additional beneficial owner(s) of the property concerned after acquisition) of the property concerned, IRD will approve the application.  The Applicable Instrument will be stamped with a stamp denoting that the instrument’s liability to stamp duty in respect of the Specified Amount has been waived.  IRD will also issue a certificate of discharge in respect of the charge on the property concerned to the applicant for registration in the Land Registry.  For details about the registration, please visit the website of the Land Registry at www.landreg.gov.hk.

The application for waiver of liability should be submitted before the Deadline (see Q&A 32).

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Further to Question 26, if an eligible incoming talent has acquired a residential property jointly with other co-buyers, what are the additional conditions required to be met before they can apply for waiver of the liability to stamp duty in respect of the Specified Amount in relation to the Applicable Instrument?


The additional conditions are at the time of application for waiver, the other remaining co-buyer(s) who is/are non-HKPR(s) on the date of acquisition of the property concerned has/have become HKPR(s), and remain(s) the beneficial owner(s) of the property concerned (or only person(s) closely related to all of the remaining co-buyers (and each other) has/have become additional beneficial owner(s) of the property concerned after acquisition).

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Mr. X is an eligible incoming talent and does not own any other residential property in Hong Kong. Mr. X enters into a PASP to acquire a residential property on 30 October 2023. He applies for suspension of liability to stamp duty in respect of the Specified Amount in relation to the PASP and has paid AVD under Scale 2 rates on the PASP accordingly. Before he has become HKPR, Mr. X gets married to Ms. Y. Mr. X then transfers 50% of his ownership in the property concerned to Ms. Y and the father of Ms. Y, Mr. Z. Will Mr. X still be entitled to the upfront stamp duty relief?


No. As Mr. X and Mr. Z are not close relatives (see Q&A 25), the Specified Amount suspended shall be paid within 30 days after the day on which Mr. Z becomes a beneficial owner of the property concerned.

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Mr. X and Mr. Y are eligible incoming talents. Mr. X and Mr. Y as tenants in common enter into a PASP to jointly acquire a residential property on 30 October 2023 and both of them do not own any other residential property in Hong Kong at the time of acquisition. They apply for suspension of liability to stamp duty in respect of the Specified Amount in relation to the PASP and have paid AVD under Scale 2 rates on the PASP accordingly. Before they have become HKPRs, Mr. X gets married to Ms. Z and Mr. X transfers 50% of his ownership in the property concerned to Ms. Z. Mr. Y and Ms. Z are not closely related persons. Will they still be entitled to the upfront stamp duty relief?


No. As Mr. Y and Ms. Z are not close relatives, the Specified Amount suspended shall be paid within 30 days after the day on which Ms. Z becomes a beneficial owner of the property concerned.

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Mr. X and Mr. Y are eligible incoming talents. Mr. X and Mr. Y as tenants in common enter into a PASP to jointly acquire a residential property on 30 October 2023 and both of them do not own any other residential property in Hong Kong at the time of acquisition. They apply for suspension of liability to stamp duty in respect of the Specified Amount in relation to the PASP and have paid AVD under Scale 2 rates on the PASP accordingly. Subsequently, Mr. Y passed away before both of them have become HKPR. Will Mr. X still be entitled to the upfront stamp duty relief?


Mr. X will no longer be entitled to the upfront stamp duty relief if the executor or the administrator of the late Mr. Y, as authorized by the Probate or Letters of Administration, has divested the share of the property concerned to the beneficiary of the late Mr. Y (unless the beneficiary of the late Mr. Y is closely related to Mr. X).

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Similar to Question 30 but Mr. X and Mr. Y as joint tenant jointly acquire a residential property, will Mr. X still be entitled to the upfront stamp duty relief?


Mr. X will become the sole beneficial owner of the property concerned by right of survivorship after the death of Mr. Y. Since at least one buyer who was covered by a Specified Scheme remains a beneficial owner of the property concerned, Mr. X is still entitled to the upfront stamp duty relief.

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Is there a deadline for an eligible incoming talent to apply for waiver of the liability to stamp duty in respect of the Specified Amount after becoming a HKPR?


The eligible incoming talent has to apply for the waiver before the last day of the period of 9 years starting from the date he/she was first permitted to stay in Hong Kong by virtue of the relevant Specified Scheme (the Deadline).

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Under what circumstances a suspension of the Specified Amount will be revoked?


A suspension of the Specified Amount will be revoked and the eligible incoming talent shall pay the Specified Amount if:

  1. as at the Deadline (i.e. 9 years as mentioned in Q&A 32) for wavier of the liability to stamp duty in respect of the Specified Amount in relation to the Applicable Instrument, no liability has been waived;
  2. the eligible incoming talent ceases to be a beneficial owner of the property concerned;
  3. a person other than a closely related person of the eligible incoming talent has become a beneficial owner of part of the property concerned.

The Specified Amount shall be paid within 30 days after the occurrence of the situation in a, b or c above. Otherwise, penalty will be imposed for late payment.

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Mr. X is an eligible incoming talent and was first permitted to stay in Hong Kong on 1 January 2016 by virtue of a Specified Scheme. Mr. X enters into a PASP to acquire a residential property on 30 October 2023 and he does not own any other residential property in Hong Kong at the time of acquisition. He applies for suspension of liability to stamp duty in respect of the Specified Amount in relation to the PASP and has paid AVD under Scale 2 on the PASP accordingly. If Mr. X has not become a HKPR on 1 January 2025, what is the consequence?


In this case, the Deadline for waiver is 31 December 2024. Mr. X shall pay the Specified Amount in relation to the PASP within 30 days after the expiry of the Deadline (i.e. on or before 30 January 2025) or otherwise penalty will be imposed for late payment.

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Similar to Question 34, but Mr. X and Ms. Y jointly acquire the residential property concerned. Both of them are eligible incoming talents and do not own other residential property in Hong Kong. Mr. X was first permitted to stay in Hong Kong on 1 January 2016 whereas Ms. Y was first permitted to stay in Hong Kong on 1 January 2017. How to count the Deadline in this case?


The Deadline will count from the person who is last permitted to stay in Hong Kong by virtue of the Specified Scheme among the buyers of the property concerned. In this case, Ms. Y is the last person permitted to stay in Hong Kong. Hence, the Deadline for waiver is 31 December 2025.

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Similar to Question 35 but Ms. Y transfers her ownership in the property concerned to Mr. X on 30 November 2024 before both of them have become HKPRs. How to count the Deadline in this case?


Given that in this case Ms. Y ceases to be an owner of the property concerned on 30 November 2024, the Deadline will be reverted to the position of Question 34, i.e. 31 December 2024.

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Similar to Question 36 but Ms. Y transfers her ownership in the property concerned to Mr. X on 30 November 2025. How to count the Deadline in this case?


Given that in this case Ms. Y only ceases to be an owner of the property concerned on 30 November 2025, the Deadline will be advanced to the last day of the period of 30 days after the cessation day (i.e. 30 December 2025. Mr. X has to apply for the waiver before 30 December 2025.

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When an eligible incoming talent applies for suspension of liability to stamp duty in respect of the Specified Amount in relation to the Applicable Instrument executed for the acquisition of the property concerned and his/her application is approved by the IRD, a statutory charge will be constituted in favour of the Collector of Stamp Revenue ("the Collector") automatically by law. Will the statutory charge affect the priority of the acquisition mortgage executed by him/her to finance the purchase of the property concerned?


In terms of priority, the statutory charge in favour of the Collector is second only to the first acquisition mortgage for acquiring the property concerned to the extent of a reserved amount. The reserved amount is the lower of the following:

  1. any outstanding principal and interest in respect of the loan for acquiring the property concerned under the acquisition mortgage and any costs due under that mortgage;
  2. an amount arrived at by deducting the Specified Amount from the amount or value of the consideration for the acquisition of the property concerned under the Applicable Instrument.

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Mr. X is an eligible incoming talent and does not own any other residential property in Hong Kong. Mr. X enters into a PASP to acquire a residential property on 30 October 2023 at a purchase price of $10M from a developer. He applies for suspension of liability to stamp duty in respect of the Specified Amount (i.e. $1.13M) in relation to the PASP and has paid AVD under Scale 2 rates of $370,000 on the PASP accordingly. Mr. X applies for a mortgage loan of $7M from a bank by executing a first legal mortgage in favour of the bank and a downpayment loan of $1.5M from the developer by executing a second legal mortgage in favour of the developer. Subsequently, Mr. X defaults in repayment of the loans and the property concerned was disposed of by the mortgagee bank at a selling price of $9M. At the time of disposal of the mortgaged property concerned, Mr. X owes the mortgagee bank and the developer of $6.8M and $1.2M respectively. How should the mortgagee bank apply the sale proceeds from the disposal of the mortgaged property?


In this case, the reserved amount is the lower of $6.8M or $8.87M (i.e. $10M - $1.13M), i.e. $6.8M. The mortgagee bank should apply the sale proceeds of $9M in the following priority: (i) $6.8M to repay the outstanding principal, interest and costs due under the first legal mortgage; (ii) $1.13M to IRD to repay the Specified Amount and (iii) the balance of $1.07M to the developer under the second legal mortgage.

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Shall an eligible incoming talent be entitled to upfront stamp duty relief if he/she acquires a residential property (the New Property) to replace his/her only residential property in Hong Kong (the Original Property) (Buy-First-Sell-Later situation)?


An eligible incoming talent shall pay BSD and AVD under Part 1 of Scale 1 in relation to an instrument executed to acquire the New Property. If subsequently he/she can produce documentary proof that he/she has disposed of the Original Property within 12 months after the date of assignment of the New Property and that he/she has paid the Specified Amount for the Original Property (if applicable), he/she may furnish the completed application form IRSD125E and supporting documents request to apply for a refund of the Specified Amount for the New Property. Upon approving his/her application, the Applicable Instrument will be stamped with a stamp denoting that the instrument’s liability to stamp duty in respect of the Specified Amount has been suspended. IRD will also register a certificate of charge at the Land Registry on the New Property for securing the recovery of the Specified Amount.

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When can an eligible incoming talent apply for a refund of the Specified Amount in relation to the Applicable Instrument executed to acquire the New Property as mentioned in Question 40?


There is a time limit for claiming a refund of the Specified Amount, which is not later than (a) 2 years after the date of the Applicable Instrument executed for the acquisition of the New Property, or (b) 2 months after the date of assignment for the disposal of the Original Property, whichever is the later.