Title |
Date |
Circular Letter to Tax Representatives - Block Extension Scheme for Lodgement of 2006/07 Tax Returns |
30.03.2007 |
Support services for estate beneficiaries |
29.03.2007 |
LCQ19: Property tax |
14.03.2007 |
The Tax Computation program has now been updated to take into account the tax relief measures proposed in the 2007 - 08 Budget |
05.03.2007 |
Interest on Tax Reserve Certificates |
02.03.2007 |
50% waiver on 2006 - 07 salaries tax and tax charged under personal assessment |
28.02.2007 |
2007 - 08 Budget : Tax concessions under salaries tax and personal assessment |
28.02.2007 |
2007 - 08 Budget : New Rates of Stamp Duty on Sale or Transfer of Immovable Property |
28.02.2007 |
Annual Report 2005-06 (HTML version) |
23.02.2007 |
Annual Report 2005-06 (PDF version) |
14.02.2007 |
Notice to Taxpayers |
14.02.2007 |
Newly published Advance Ruling Case |
06.02.2007 |
Interest on Tax Reserve Certificates |
02.02.2007 |
Minor textual changes are made to the DIPN 44 |
22.01.2007 |
Enhanced features of the Tax Computation |
17.01.2007 |
LCQ18: Public consultation on tax reform |
10.01.2007 |
Support the "Outstanding Customer Service Awards" |
08.01.2007 |
Judgment Interest Rate |
01.01.2007 |
Newly published Advance Ruling Case |
11.12.2006 |
FAQ for Share-based Payment Transactions ( English Only ) |
08.12.2006 |
FS speaks on public consultation on tax reform |
05.12.2006 |
Remarks by Chief Executive on GST |
05.12.2006 |
PowerPoint Presentation on "Uploading Stamping Requests and Other New/Enhanced Features” (3 & 4 August 2006) |
04.12.2006 |
Interest on Tax Reserve Certificates |
01.12.2006 |
FS speaks on Budget consultation |
27.11.2006 |
DIPN 6(Revised) : Inland Revenue Ordinance |
22.11.2006 |
LCQ3: Proposal to introduce a Goods and Services Tax |
01.11.2006 |
Transcript of remarks by FS on GST |
19.10.2006 |
Circular Letter to Tax Representatives - Block Extension Scheme for Lodgement of Profits Tax Returns 2005/06 - Extended Due Date For 'M' Code Returns |
19.10.2006 |
LegCo to debate opposing the introduction of a Goods and Services Tax |
16.10.2006 |
Transcript of SFST's remarks |
15.10.2006 |
GST and maintaining the competitiveness of Hong Kong's logistics industry |
13.10.2006 |
DGIP's response to media enquiries on GST |
26.09.2006 |
DIPN 23(Revised) - Recognized retirement schemes (English Only) |
14.09.2006 |
CE speaks on Goods and Services Tax |
12.09.2006 |
Transcript of remarks by FS on GST |
08.09.2006 |
DIPN 37(Revised) - Concessionary deductions : section 26C Approved Charitable Donations (English Only) |
08.09.2006 |
DIPN 9(Revised) - Major deductible items under salaries tax (English Only) |
08.09.2006 |
DIPN 43 - Profits Tax Profits tax exemption for offshore funds (English Only) |
06.09.2006 |
Government welcomes discussions on how to broaden tax base |
23.08.2006 |
Arrangement between the Mainland of China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income  |
23.08.2006 |
Transcript of remarks by FS on GST |
21.08.2006 |
Double taxation arrangement signed with the Mainland |
21.08.2006 |
SOIPN 1 - Stamping of agreements for sale and purchase of residential property (English Only) |
04.08.2006 |
Launch of Enhanced e-Stamping Service, in particular, Uploading of e-Stamping Request |
01.08.2006 |
DIPN 1 - Profits Tax  |
28.07.2006 |
List of Qualifying Debt Instruments |
25.07.2006 |
e-Stamping Circular No. 2/2006 - Launch of Enhanced e-Stamping Service |
25.07.2006 |
FS speaks on public consultation on tax reform (with photo) |
22.07.2006 |
Transcript of SFST's remarks |
22.07.2006 |
FS speaks on public consultation on tax reform (with photo) |
20.07.2006 |
Newly published Advance Ruling Case |
20.07.2006 |
e-Stamping Circular No.1/2006 - e-Stamping Seminars on Service Enhancements |
19.07.2006 |
FS speaks on public consultation on tax reform |
19.07.2006 |
Government proposes revenue neutral tax reform to broaden Hong Kong's tax base |
18.07.2006 |
Transcript of remarks by Financial Secretary |
18.07.2006 |
Tax reform consultation publications available to public tomorrow |
17.07.2006 |
New Supplement to Hong Kong Tax Cases Volume 6 |
11.07.2006 |
Circular Letter to Tax Representatives - Block Extension Scheme for Lodgement of Profits Tax Returns 2005/06 - Extended Due Date For 'D' Code Returns |
05.07.2006 |
Judgment Interest Rate |
01.07.2006 |
IRD strives for excellent service |
29.06.2006 |
Annual Report on Performance Pledge 2005/2006 |
29.06.2006 |
Obligation of Property Owners  |
22.06.2006 |
Quality of IRD services unaffected by five-day week |
21.06.2006 |
FAQ for Departmental Interpretation and Practice Notes No. 42 |
09.06.2006 |
Newly added information : Enactments relating to Ordinances Administered since 2003 |
08.06.2006 |
LCQ20: Dependent parent/grandparent allowance |
07.06.2006 |
Five-day week with effect from 1 July 2006 |
06.06.2006 |
Stamping Circular No.01/2006 - New Opening Hours From 1 July 2006 |
02.06.2006 |
Deadline for filing tax returns approaching |
29.05.2006 |
Legislative Council Passes Revenue Bill 2006 |
24.05.2006 |
Newly published Advance Ruling Case |
23.05.2006 |
Commissioner's letter to taxpayers on 4 May 2006 |
04.05.2006 |
Individual Tax Returns for 2005 - 06 issued |
02.05.2006 |
Tender for Taxpayer Portal System gazetted |
28.04.2006 |
LC: Betting Duty (Amendment) Bill 2006 |
26.04.2006 |
Notice to Employers - When to complete 'Employer's Return of Remuneration and Pensions' (Form B.I.R.56A) |
25.04.2006 |
Revenue Bill 2006 to be gazetted tomorrow |
12.04.2006 |
Transcript of SHA's standup briefing |
07.04.2006 |
Duty system for horse race betting to be reformed |
07.04.2006 |
Notice to Tax Representatives - Declarations in the block extension applications made by tax representatives confirming written authorization obtained from clients  |
06.04.2006 |
Tax Computation per 2006/07 Budget Proposals |
03.04.2006 |
2005-06 tax returns issued from today |
03.04.2006 |
Judgment Interest Rate |
01.04.2006 |
Tax Representatives' Corner |
01.04.2006 |